Racklegirl's Tales

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Back and forth and back and forth........blah...I'm Done!

Okay, so I thought I would not post about the guy I am dating and not jinx it but, damnit~it still failed! Oh well, I am so over talking about him and the whole past 1 month and a 1/2 that I cannot even do it here............most of you alllllll know the story though.................

Anyway, on to more exciting things! I had surgery this past week....I had my tonsils taken out and my deviated septum fixed. I hate IV's and I HATE being put to sleep but, the
anesthesiologist was freaking hot so, I didn't mind it so much this time! I personally know him anyway and allll the nurses were asking me how I knew him and are we dating and so on and so forth........now I know why he likes working at that hospital~he gets all the attention! Hell, he probably gets it wherever he goes! Okay, back to me~I got to home the same day and for two days after that I was in some pain but, not as bad as everyone made it out to be! I will just be glad when 2 full weeks are up and I can sleep flat on my back and NOT snore!

need to take another dose..........................................


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