Racklegirl's Tales

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Sweet little gestures..........

Can I use that word for this? I looked it up on the MS Word Thesaurus and it's definition stated "sign, hand movement, etc...." but, I have heard it used on more than one occasion as being something that someone has done that was nice in nature. Either way, it's getting used today..............yesterday (08/30/05) marked the 6th year since my divorce was final and I was talking to a friend of mine and mentioned that to him and he asked if that was a good thing or a bad thing, of course, I said it was a good thing and that was the end of that part of the conversation................well, I was sitting here at my desk today when a man from the floral shop appeared at my window with flowers! They were from my friend and I found that to be a "sweet little gesture". Houston boy (who I think is jealous) thinks that my friend has an ulterior motive but, I choose to believe that he was just being sweet. Is that naive?

Okay, so, went to Tong So Do class last night and learned more things and had fun doing so......don't quite have the forms down but, I am working on it! My Saboo (Korean for something) also said that I could not have my mom put any kind of patchwork or stitching on my belt, WTF? I'm a girl, it's an all white outfit, it's so plain but, still WTF? After class, met the usual crew at the usual "Tuesday spot" for a few....plus some.....had a great time as usual, got home way too late just to be up way too early! I kinda pissed off B, said that I would call after I left there but didn't since it ended up being so late. Tried to say sorry but, he wasn't having it, okay, whatever, cain't undo what was already done so, it's his choice~he can either forgive me or not.

Houston boy went home on Friday and we have talked several times since then okay, more e-mails than talking but you get the point! He is sooooo teaching me about duck, dove, deer hunting and limits and zones and colors and so on and so forth! I'm gonna miss chatting with him tomorrow since he will be up and outta the house at 4:30am just to drive an hour away to shot some birds..............what are all you hunters gonna do when PETA bans hunting altogether? Is that really possible?

More serious note, my thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by this aweful hurricane in LA, MS and AL. I cannot even begin to imagine the sight, the smell, the uncertainty, and just the overall destruction they are facing. Again, my thoughts and prayers are out there.

Going to hang out tonight w/Horsey.......new spot...........our little secret!!! I am excited about it, haven't really seen much of her lately! Come to think of it, haven't really seen much of any of my girls! Oh yeah, talked to Tiff too and she is doing good, still no plans to move back to Texas yet but, hopefully she will decide soon! I miss my Tiff!!!

J~what color was that one and how many points do I get????????????


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Is being single really bad?

In the recent past, I have heard horror stories of one bad relationship after another, comments of "I'm so glad I'm not single"...blah....blah.....blah.....well, I am single and I like my single life! I love the freedom that comes with it also. I like dating, I like meeting new people, I like going to new places with my girls, I like playing poker every other weekend, I like picking and chosing while shopping, I like my quite nights with my kids, I like my "couch time" with B, I like my weekend visits with J (who lives in Houston and is here every so often), I like my long conversations with "Kelly", and I like not knowing what my plans are for the next few days.

I have forever said that "I want to be in a relationship" but, why is it that everytime a "possible" relationship rears it's ugly little head, I head for the hills. Am I ready for one? I really don't think that I am. Am I afraid of one? Maybe. Am I that scared of "losing" myself again that I refuse to even test that theory? Probably that more than anything else.

Can someone please tell me~am I selfish or bitter?

inquiring minds wanna know......................................

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Temper tantrums are for toddlers................

This is exactly what I want to yell to some of the dumb asses I work with! Why do they feel that all the "rules and regulations" (that were put in place to avoid situations like these) no longer apply to them when THEY decide they don't want to work by the rules! I wish I could just stomp my feet and stick my bottom lip out and get what I want!!! Oh wait, I can, wait, that's besides the point here. Sure, grant it, they do bring in the clients that make this company operate BUT again, why does everyone have to bow down to them whenever they want to throw a temper tantrum?!?!?!? Okay, that's my b*tch session for the day! I feel better now!

On to more important things, like ME!!! I had a pretty good weekend! Friday night, hung out at Barrett & Mel's place w/my kiddo's, Horsey, her kiddo's, & Kim. We didn't stay too late for I was tired from my Thursday night out with "Kelly" and Saboo. Saturday night was fun too~hung out (again) w/the kiddo's, Horsey, her kiddo's, Kim and "Kelly". Got home, crashed and did NOTHING on Sunday! I kinda felt like B that day! I stayed in my PJ's most of the day! BTW~B made it back from New Orleans all in one piece! Yea to B!!!

I have something exciting that I would really love to blog about right now but cain't! Sorry, stayed tuned for it will be coming in the next few days!!!!

"Kelly"~watch out for flying 2 x 4's..............................

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Everyone was KUNG FU fighting.................

That cat was fast as lightning..........this is what came to my head as I was in my class on Tuesday night. I felt kinda like a dumb ass since I was the ONLY one in there that did not have a black belt! It was fun though, I am really excited about everything I am learning and pretty soon, I'll be able to kick some serious ass! Not that I cain't now just saying! "Girl, gotcha back"!!! Anyway, this seems to be alot more fun that just going to the gym!

Gotta admit, I'm a little jealous of my girl Amos~but, of course, she has no fear of the wakeboard! I wish I could/would be able to do it! I'm just a chicken shit when it comes to any water sports! I do love hanging out on the boat though! I'm so glad that I decided to keep mine! At first, I was ready to get rid of it but, the more I take it out and the more I mess with it~I am getting better with it! Now, all I gotta do is learn to back the damn thing up! Amos, are ya giving lessons yet?

This work week has gone by sooooo freaking slow! What's the deal with that? I do have to say that I had the best lunch on Wednesday though! Thanks Pei Wei and "Kelly"!!! Last night, I hung out with Horsey and Mr. Saboo (Korean for something!) he is my long time friend and Martial Arts instructor! He has as crush on Horsey!!!! It's cute! Ug, ran into F**kface Geno at Hanks~didn't talk to him girls so, settle down! He actually had the nerve to call me after we left~yeah, like I ran to answer the phone for that one! NOT! Oh yeah, also ran into "Billy" at the Tavern~since his last disappearing act, he got a girlfriend! That is ALL I'm gonna say about that one! MarkyB was also at the Tavern!!! Sup MarkyB?!?!? Hey, if you are in a room with 2 monkeys in each corner, how many monkeys could say that they saw another monkey???

I think I'm going dancing tonight although Amos is standing me up.......still love ya though! Damn Enron!!!! I danced last weekend and with my original dance partner and it was great so, again, I gotta go!!! B is leaving me for the weekend for New Orleans and I hope he has a great time and doesn't get sick from all the beer I am sure he will be drinking!!!

Oh yeah, girls.......got some exciting news that I will not JINX by, posting it on here so, ya gotta call!

xxxx's and oooo's to my new found friend...............

Monday, August 08, 2005

Awe, playtime is over....................

Okay, being that this past week was officially my last week to do whatever, whenever, and with whomever, I took total advantage of it! I spent some time with my B, hung out with my friends, went dancing, played some poker, shopped and finished it off with a lazy day on the boat Sunday! Oh yeah, kuddos to Ton for getting up on the kneeboard on the first try and staying on! I can tell ya now that he is hooked! My D, Dix and another D had a blast on the little banana raft too! Darla, you did great on the water as well!!!

School is back in session for D, he started 2nd grade today and my baby J will start 7th grade a week from tomorrow! Where did the summer go? It's crazy!

Haven't seen any blogs from my girls in about a month! Am I the only one who tries to keep up with this?

Not much more than that has happened since my last post so, to you all it might seem a little "boring" to you but, oh well! It's been fun for me!!!!

wishing I was home sleeping.....................